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guitar lessons

Senior Send-off: Jordan Mefferd

We're sending off our seniors this month. They'll be graduating soon and moving on to new horizons. Whether or not they decide to continue their formal study of music, we hope they've gained valuable skills in their years at Music House. Today's send-off features drum student Jordan Funk.

5 Habits That Will Make You A Better Guitarist

Want to know five easy tips that will help you to become a better guitarist and overall musician? Check out this blog for some great tips!

Staff Spotlight: Justin Murray

Take a deep dive into the musical brain of Justin Murray and learn about his journey with his acoustic guitar, to Music House!

The Best Songs for Beginners to Learn

Are you a young beginner musician wanting to learn how to play songs on guitar, piano, drums, or even perfect your singing voice? Check out our list of the best songs for beginners and start learning today!

Best Songs About Spring

Besides summer, spring is the most inspirational season of the year for musicians and artists. Following the cold winter with trees barren of leaves in spring, which brings back the warmth and beau...

What is the best age to learn music?

Music House School supports kids music lessons as well as several other learning formats at all ages. Whether private lessons or ensemble classes, you and your child can experience the magic of performance!

The Benefits of Music Lessons Near Me

At Music House, we provide music lessons in Kansas City for a wide range of people. People just like you are drawn to our lessons for a variety of reasons. There are two main groups of people we se...

Who's Your Guitar Hero?

In looking back at music throughout history, one thing keeps coming up. Every great musician was influenced by other musicians who came before them. While they were influenced by others, you would...

Looking For A Guitar Teacher? At Music House You'll Find Nirvana

Whether you are a beginner just learning your first power chord, or a more advanced student interested in taking your love of playing to the next level, Music House teachers can help you make it happen. Here's a chance to get to know each of them.