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Senior Send-off: Schuyler Coffman

 by Aaron Sizemore

guitar student Schuyler Coffman

Guitar & piano student Schuyler Coffman is a quick study. In just two and a half years, he's risen through the ranks from absolute beginner to a member of one of our "Focus" level bands. In the fall he'll be studying music business at Bradley University. If his progress at Music House is any indication, he's sure to excel.

Here's Schuyler performing recently with his band Injury Inquiry.

video preview


And here's what Schuyler had to say when we interviewed him last week.

What instruments do you play?

I play guitar and piano.

How long have you been playing music?

About two and a half years.

What are your plans for after graduating high school? If you're going to college, do you know what you'll be studying?

I'm headed to Bradley University to study music business.

How do you think music will be a part of your life after Music House?

I plan to get a job in the music industry, and I plan to join a band or something.

What is a moment at Music House that you'll never forget?

I learned the solo to "Scar Tissue" the day of my band's concert. We had a last-minute change that forced me to be the one to play it and I played it perfectly at the show!

What advice do you have for Music House students who are just starting to learn to play music?

Learning anything is frustrating, but if you push through, it is totally worth it.

What will you miss most about Music House?

It's a good community full of nice people. Every teacher is very capable, and the staff really cares about seeing students succeed.

What's the best piece of musical advice you've received?

Always keep your thumb in the middle of the back of the neck underneath your middle finger when playing barre chords on the guitar.

What do you hope to remember most about your best performance at Music House?

Performing has helped me lose some stage anxiety.

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Written by Aaron Sizemore
Aaron Sizemore
Co-founder & Executive Director at Music House