Rock Band Workshops

Senior Send-off: Mary Burgett
We're sending off our seniors this month. They'll be graduating soon and moving on to new horizons. Whether or not they decide to continue their formal study of music, we hope they've gained valuable skills in their years at Music House. Today's send-off features bass student Mary Burgett.

Getting to Know “Diversion”
Our band workshop program leads to the creation of many great student groups. Click to learn more about 'Diversion’!

Getting to Know “Rail”
Our band workshop program leads to the creation of many great student groups. Click to learn more about 'Rail'!

Senior Send-off: Isaac LaCroix
The next graduating senior student that we want to highlight is Isaac LaCroix. Isaac has been a part of Music House for 5 years where he has been playing guitar and singing. In fact, he even has p...

Senior Send-off: Ben Abraham
We're sending off our seniors this month. They'll be graduating soon and moving on to new horizons. Whether or not they decide to continue their formal study of music, we hope they've gained valuable skills in their years at Music House. Today's send-off features voice student Ben Abraham.

Getting to Know 'Unsolicited'
Did you know that here at Music House, our Band Workshop Program isn’t just for youth learners? In fact, we are proud to have several active and thriving adult bands, including this incredible grou...

Senior Send-off: Jackson Deardorff
We're sending off our seniors this month. They'll be graduating soon and moving on to new horizons. Whether or not they decide to continue their formal study of music, we hope they've gained valuable skills in their years at Music House. Today's send-off features bass student Jackson Deardorff.

Senior Send-off: Chase Wilkinson
We're sending off our seniors this month. They'll be graduating soon and moving on to new horizons. Whether or not they decide to continue their formal study of music, we hope they've gained valuable skills in their years at Music House. Today's send-off features drum student Chase Wilkinson.

Senior Send-off: Trevor Zinkus
We're sending off our seniors this month. They'll be graduating soon and moving on to new horizons. Whether or not they decide to continue their formal study of music, we hope they've gained valuable skills in their years at Music House. Today's send-off features guitar student Trevor Zinkus.

Senior Send-off: Jay Cannova
We're sending off our seniors this month. They'll be graduating soon and moving on to new horizons. Whether or not they decide to continue their formal study of music, we hope they've gained valuable skills in their years at Music House. Today's send-off features drum student Jay Cannova.

Senior Send-off: Hayden Malone
We're sending off our seniors this month. They'll be graduating soon and moving on to new horizons. Whether or not they decide to continue their formal study of music, we hope they've gained valuable skills in their years at Music House. Today's send-off features guitar & bass student Hayden Malone.

Senior Send-off: Cole Seifert
We're sending off our seniors this month. They'll be graduating soon and moving on to new horizons. Whether or not they decide to continue their formal study of music, we hope they've gained valuable skills in their years at Music House. Today's send-off features guitar student Cole Seifert.