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Senior Send-off: Jay Cannova

 by Aaron Sizemore

Drum student Jay Cannova

Drum student Jay Cannova started at Music House in January and in that short period of time has grown immensely. It turns out he's a young man of many talents and will be heading to Creighton University to study dentistry next fall. Go Jay!

And here's what Jay had to say when we interviewed him recently.

What instrument do you play?

I'm a drummer.

How long have you been at Music House?

About four months.

What are your plans for after graduating high school? If you're going to college, do you know what you'll be studying?

I'll be attending Creighton University to study dentistry.

How do you think music will be a part of your life after Music House?

I'd like to keep playing for personal enjoyment and entertainment.

What is a moment at Music House that you'll never forget?

My first drum lesson.

What advice do you have for Music House students who are just starting out?

Make sure to have a lot of fun and play things you like!

What's the best piece of musical advice you've received?

Don't forget to learn about things like song form and music theory.

Free eBook - Get started in music with over 20 pages of helpful tips

Written by Aaron Sizemore
Aaron Sizemore
Co-founder & Executive Director at Music House