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Senior Send-off: Chase Wilkinson

 by Aaron Sizemore

drum student Chase Wilkinson

Chase Wilkinson has been gracing us with his presence for ten years now. We've watched him transform from a cute little 8-year-old into a drumming, beatboxing force of nature. He's also just a good soul. "As someone I consider a close friend," says his drum teacher Steve Thomas, "he has matured into a considerate, generous, and extremely kind young man. Chase has come so far over the many years I have known him. Not just as a musician but also as a person. Through his passion for music and dedication to practice, he has truly excelled in all aspects of his many musical talents, whether it be drumming, beatboxing, singing, or even songwriting."

And here's what Chase had to say when we interviewed him recently.

What instrument do you play?

I'm a drummer, vocalist, guitarist, and beatboxer. (editor's note: this guy is an incredible beatboxer.)

How long have you been at Music House?

About 10 years now.

What are your plans for after graduating high school? If you're going to college, do you know what you'll be studying?

I will be going to Johnson County Community College for the first two years and then transfer to another college.

How do you think music will be a part of your life after Music House?

I can't imagine my life without music. I am going to start a band and want to make it to the Big Time.

What is a moment at Music House that you'll never forget?

While I was performing with my band and playing a big "trash can" ending on a song, I knocked over a cymbal.

What will you miss most about Music House?

I will miss Steve, my teacher. I will also miss Music House because it was always a safe, happy place for me.

What advice do you have for Music House students who are just starting out?

You'll get there. It starts slow but gets easier and if you stick with it, you'll get there.

What's the best piece of musical advice you've received?

"You can't do it...YET!"

What do you hope to remember most about your best performance at Music House?

The response of the crowd at the end of one of my band's shows and hearing someone yelling, "Your drummer was Awesome!"

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Written by Aaron Sizemore
Aaron Sizemore
Co-founder & Executive Director at Music House