5 Tips for Choosing the Best Instrument for You
If you or your child are just starting out on your musical journey, the first place you should start is by picking out which instrument to play. This is an exciting moment, as there are so many different options to choose from. Music is a great expression of creativity and has a wide array of great benefits. This is especially true for children who want to get started while they are young!Â
If choosing an instrument feels intimidating, though, don’t worry! Here at Music House, we have compiled a list of tips that could help you make the best decision for you or your child. Keep reading to learn more about how to make your selection as well as some information about music lessons in Kansas City.
Tip #1: Consider what genre of music you like to listen to.
Determining your favorite genre of music is the first step in picking out an instrument. If you are really into heavy metal music, the piano may not be the best first choice for you. Meanwhile, Billy Joel or Elton John lovers might flock to the piano and have zero interest in playing the guitar. After all, one of the best motivators for learning music and sticking with your lessons is by learning to play some of your favorite songs.Â
The instrument you choose should be a natural extension of what you want to hear and the must you listen to every day. However, down the road, you can always pick up a second or third instrument to learn and broaden your horizons.Â
Tip #2: Set a budget for your instrument, accessories, and lessons.
Money can be a huge factor when it comes to selecting an instrument. Thankfully, there are many affordable alternatives that can be done. For example, if you or your child wants to play the piano, you don’t need to purchase a baby grand to put in your living room. A simple keyboard will do while you are learning. Also, acoustic guitars are usually much cheaper than their electric counterparts. For band or orchestra instruments, many can be rented or bought secondhand.Â
Also keep in mind any costs for accessories, such as picks or reeds. For those who want to take music lessons in Kansas City, be sure to include that in your budget as well. Getting this all laid out and doing research in the beginning will go a long way.Â
Tip #3: Keep space and portability of the instrument in mind.
There is a big difference between the size that a piano takes up vs. that of a flute. If you live in a studio apartment, it might not be the most ideal spot to have a whole drum kit. Ask yourself a few questions: do I have appropriate storage space for my instrument? Do I have a spot to set up and comfortably play? Do I need to rearrange any furniture to accommodate?
It’s also good to consider transportation. For someone who drives a motorcycle, it would be difficult to transport around a portable keyboard, let alone a whole piano. If you are wanting to cart your instrument to music lessons or a friend's house for a jam session, it’s important to think ahead. When looking for an instrument to play, it’s vital to consider these kinds of logistics.Â
Tip #4: Keep any physical limitations in mind.Â
This is a tip you want to keep in mind especially with children. The younger they are, the more difficult it would be for them to handle larger instruments, including making it harder to just carry them around, but also play them. Once again, there are many alternatives that can make things a bit easier. For example, instead of a clarinet, start off a younger child with a recorder. Instead of a trumpet, try a bugle. Of course many kids play the piano, but keep in mind that as their parent, you’ll be the one toting around their keyboard!
For adults, it’s also important to know your own limitations. If you have difficulties standing for long periods of time, the snare drum might not be the best fit for you. Or if you have severe asthma or other lung conditions, maybe reconsider before choosing a woodwind or brass instrument.Â
Tip #5: Consider your musical goals.
At the end of the day, it boils down to this: what are your musical goals? Do you simply want to learn a new skill? Are you seeking an outlet to express your creativity? Do you want to join a band and play music together? Are you wanting to be the band’s frontman? Whatever that looks like for you is great! There is no right or wrong answer. It will, however, help you determine what instrument is best for you and what your time commitment looks like.Â
Wrap Up
Choosing to play an instrument is a big commitment, but one that will undoubtedly pay off. It can be an excellent way to get creative, meet new people, and express yourself through your playing. With so many instruments out there, it might seem tough. But just make sure you enjoy what you play. As with learning anything new, frustrations may crop up but it’s important to power through it. If it doesn’t seem like a good fit after a few months, do a little more research or talk to your music instructor and get their thoughts and feedback.
Music Lessons in Kansas City
Once you have your instrument lined up, prepare to take music lessons from our incredible instructors here at Music House! We have core classes in piano, guitar, and vocals starting as young as age six for piano and nine for guitar & voice, and ranging all the way up to adults. Plus there are even early childhood classes for 4 & 5-year-olds.Â
f you want an excellent way to test run to see if our school is a good fit for you, be sure to check out free lesson week! Free lesson week runs from August 22-26 and registration has already begun! Be sure to reserve your spot right away, as they tend to fill up quickly.Â