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Why We Love Summer Music Camps (and you should too!)

 by Terri Paglusch

We all remember with amazing clarity experiences we had as a child in summer camp. Why is that? What is it about summer camp experiences that they make such a deep impression on our young minds? These are questions you might be thinking about if you are looking for a summer camp in Kansas City.


Maybe it’s because we get to be with new kids. Kids that don’t know us. Kids that are going to be learning something new—just like we are.  Summer camps are a chance to reinvent ourselves, just for that week. We can take chances we wouldn’t normally take and the risks that go along with putting ourselves out there.

Music camps are an especially good way to make these long-lasting memories. They let us “live the dream” by:

  • Helping us learn something new without being worried about judgement. 

We’re all in the same boat. For example, if we're in rock band camp, some of us might know how to play our instruments, but none of us have ever played in a real band before. We’re all learning to play together and keep time with the drummer. We’re learning to know when it’s our turn to solo and when to play louder or softer. And we are discovering that as we continue to rehearse the songs, we are getting better.
  • Letting us be the person we are in our daydreams. 

Since no one knows us yet, we can be that kid who is willing to jump right in and play or sing for the group. We can be the one to volunteer for the solo and be willing to work hard to get it just right.
  • Helping us make new friends by working together with the other campers toward a common goal.

If our goal is to put on a show at the end of the camp, then we will have to work together to get the performance the best it can be. Working together brings us closer.
  • Leading us to accomplish something we never thought we could do.

Did you ever think you could learn to play songs on several different instruments that you had never picked up before this week? How about singing lead on some songs and back-up on others—all on a professional stage with lights and a packed house? It would have been a crazy thought last week, but with the instruction, practice and the adrenaline of the big performance you did it!

It’s the fun, out-of-the ordinary experiences that make those summer camp memories so clear, even years later. That’s why we love summer music camps!  (and you should too!)

Want to find out more about summer music camps in Kansas City? Check out Music House!

Go to or click one of the links below to enroll. 

Day Jam
Day Jam (ages 6-12)

Rock Band
Rock Band (ages 9-17)

Purely Vocal
Purely Vocal (ages 9-12)

Guitar Riffology (ages 9-17)


Written by Terri Paglusch
Terri Paglusch
Terri comes to Music House with extensive experience in business management. At Music House she spends her time working to make the client experience the best it can be.