Getting to Know The Underestimated Yeti Project
"The Underestimated Yeti Project" is our youngest band at Music House. Made up of 8 members, it includes Tyler, Lily, Stella, Paige, Evan, Ethan, Cayden, and Rylan.
We gain more insight into this young group from their answers to our interview questions below:
How long have you been playing your instrument?
Tyler: 3 years
Lily: 2.5 years
Stella: 4 years
Paige: forever
Evan: 3 years
Ethan: 4+
Cayden: 2
Rylan: 3
If you could magically convince one famous musician, living or dead, to join your band, who would it be?
Tyler: Michael Jackson
Lily: Paul McCartney!!!!!!!!
Evan: Stevie Ray Vaughn
Cayden: Angus Young
Why is it so important for a musician to perform and collaborate with other musicians (as opposed to always just practicing alone)?
Stella: "It helps you get better, plus I was bored playing guitar until I joined the band."
Lily: "You get to learn new music from other band members' choices."
Tyler: "You get to learn respect. Great Musicianship."
Everyone: make new friends!!!
What is something you've learned from another musician in your band?
Paige: "Fortnite Genesis." LOL New Genres of Music.
Tyler: Blending of Instruments. Dynamics have helped me a lot.
Describe the most wonderful, memorable moment you've ever had with your band.
Stella: When we were at the studio, recording our original song.
Lily: First Showcase. We messed up on a song, everyone stopped, but nobody noticed.
What do you guys do that's special – that you think sets you apart from all the Music House bands?
Everyone: We are the youngest!!!
Imagine one of your friends takes private lessons somewhere (not at Music House). They tell you that they love music and wish they were as good as you, but they're getting bored with lessons and might quit. What advice would you give them?
Rylan: I suggest MH because it's way better.
Lily: Offers way more. Community Classes.
Stella: Keep going and don't give up
We wish this young group of promising musicians the best of luck at our next battle of the bands! Meet The Underestimated Yeti Project at our next Music House event!