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Getting to Know "Friday"

 by Autumn Huerter

Friday is the newest musical sensation to earn the attention of fans, friends, and family throughout the Music House community. When it comes to music lessons for kids in Overland Park, this seven-piece shows the true benefits of collaboration. What we know for sure is that Friday loves wordplay, and they sat down to tell us a bit about how it all came to be.

alt="featured band Oh Whale"

How did your band come up with that name? Tell us the story.

Reece: It was better than the last name we had (O Whale)

Aiden: We didn't like our last band name

Jacob: We didn't like our last band name

Natalie: It sounded cool

Ryan: It is the best day of the week

Cullen: It’s the second-best day of the week

How long have you been playing your instrument?

Jacob: Since 3rd grade

Ryan: 5 years

Aiden: 1.5 years

Cullen: 5 years

Natalie: 4 years

Sydney: Since birth

If you could magically convince one famous musician, living or dead, to join your band, who would it be?

Ryan: Michael Jackson

Natalie: Freddy Mercury

Jacob:  John Coltrane

Reece: Freddy Mercury

Aiden: Billy joe Armstrong

Cullen: Alex Lifeson

Why is it so important for a musician to perform and collaborate with other musicians (as opposed to always just practicing alone)?

Ryan: To make great music

Reece: You hear other peoples aspects of music

Jacob: Make relationships

Natalie: So I don't freak out when I perform

Aiden: Friendship

Cullen: Hear other peoples version of music

What is something you've learned from another musician in your band?

Jacob: Friendship

Natalie: Should not all play the same part

Ryan: Patience is not always the option

Sydney: It’s more fun to collaborate

Aiden: Friendship

Cullen: How to work with other musicians in a group

Describe the most excellent, memorable moment you've ever had with your band.

Aiden: Floof

Jacob: One of the performances

Ryan: Breaking stick after performance

Natalie: Cullen breaking a stick in the middle of the song

Reece: Floof and friendship

What do you guys do that's special – that you think sets you apart from all the Music House bands?

Natalie: The low attention span

Aiden: We aren't special

Jacob: I agree with what they say

Imagine one of your friends takes private lessons somewhere (not at Music House). They tell you that they love music and wish they were as good as you, but they're getting bored with lessons and might quit. What advice would you give them?

Natalie: Persevere because you will improve if you keep playing

Jacob: Friendship

Sydney: If you don't quit it looks better on a college resume


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Written by Autumn Huerter
Autumn Huerter
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