Getting to Know “Basil”
Does this great group of talented teens call themselves ‘Basil’ because they know how to bring flavor to their music or is it simply because they have an affinity for tomato soup? Well, we certainly like to believe it’s the former! Here at Music House, our Band Workshop Program is proud to put together amazing musicians just like ‘Basil’. This band rehearses weekly at our Overland Park location with their teacher Logan Contino.
Interested in learning more about them? Then keep reading to discover their musical influences, why they love playing as a band, and just how much performing at last year’s Fall Music Fest impacted them as musicians.
Band Members pictured left to right:
Paige Toon, Mason Magee, Quincy Wohl, Bodhi Gunananda, Aiden Williams
How did you come up with your band name?
Aiden: I did!
Paige: We were talking about tomato basil soup and one thing led to another.
Aiden: We went through a lot of bad band names. We were 'Discount Fatigue' for a while.
What's the best part of being in a band?
Aiden: Making friends.
Mason: It's fun to perform with other people.
Paige: Getting to work with other musicians and experience a fuller sound on stage.
Bodhi: It kinda feels like we're a family.
What's your most memorable band experience?
Paige: Food poisoning the day of the Fall Music Fest.
Mason: Getting almost blown over at the Fall Music Fest.
Aiden: Fall Music Fest was cool.
Bodhi: Playing outside at the Fall Music Fest.
If you got to open for any band, current or defunct, who would it be?
Mason: Jimi Hendrix.
Bodhi: Aretha Franklin.
Paige: Zeppelin.
Aiden: Wallows.
What advice would you get to students that are just getting started?
Paige: Loosen up. Don't be a nervous wreck.
Mason: Don't take performances so seriously. Have fun.
Bodhi: Don't be an idiot. Be the best. Be kind.
Aiden: Don't overthink.
How has playing with other people benefited you?
Paige: It has helped me get out of my shell and get more comfortable meeting new people. I've also learned to work together with a group of creative people and how it feels when something clicks. And it's exposed me to lots of new music.
Mason: You learn to listen to everyone else and not just yourself.
Bodhi: It has made me be more creative. It's helped me distinguish myself as an individual.
Aiden: It has exposed me to new styles of music and I've learned a lot from that.