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Faculty Spotlight: Evelyn Wouters

 by Aaron Sizemore

alt="music lessons Evelyn Wouters"

What's your main instrument & why?

Voice! The voice is a complex wonderful gift that is unique to each person. When teaching, you cannot approach each voice the same way and I enjoy the challenge this brings. It keeps me on my toes!

What's your musical origin story? What lit the spark for you?

I grew up with music being played constantly. My dad plays guitar and would always encourage us to sing while he played. I always knew I loved singing and it came easier to me than other instruments. I have always loved the sensation of singing and the thrilling feeling of sharing something that feels so personal!

Can you share a good gig story?

I was singing with a small opera company in Chicago and my ride forgot me after one of the performances. I was standing there in the lobby worried about how I was going to get home and an audience member stopped on their way out to congratulate me. We then had a nice conversation about the show. This kept happening and as I stood there I realized this seemingly terrible predicament I was in was actually a wonderful reminder of why we do music! We get the chance to communicate through our instruments creating a powerful shared experience that doesn't end when the music stops! Yes, I did make it home by bus eventually!

Tell us about your practice routine and share some practice tips.

I like to warm up in the morning usually starting with sirens and some simple exercises to warm up my vocal chords. I usually pluck out notes on the piano as I learn a piece to solidify the melody and then slowly work through adding in technique. Repetition is important to develop and maintain the muscles used when singing.

What drew you to the Music House team?

I was missing music in my everyday life for a while and am so glad to have found such a supportive group of musicians and students! I am enjoying each and every one of my students and am excited to watch them grow as musicians!

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Written by Aaron Sizemore
Aaron Sizemore
Co-founder & Executive Director at Music House