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6 Reasons Why Music Lessons Are Effective

 by Autumn Huerter

A man teaches a girl how to play guitar.

The impact of music lessons might be less obvious than knowing the benefits of sports, leadership, finance, and other skills. But believe it or not, this soft skill can make a difference to both your private and professional life. You may not instantly be the next Beethoven or Mozart, but we can’t deny the fact that you’ll definitely be on your way there with practice and a love for music. 

Read on to know how music lessons can benefit you in the long run. 

1.) Music Lessons Help in Language Development

Various researches studying children have correlated music to language development which is critical at that growth stage. Yes, toddlers may come into the world with the capability of decoding words and sounds. However, it’s music education that provides an advantage to these people to enhance their natural language abilities. 

The Children’s Music Workshop explained the science behind this. According to them, musical training affects and develops the left part of the brain physically, which is responsible for processing language. Linking music, particularly songs, to new information wires the brain’s circuit and helps imprint these things on the mind. 

Keep in mind, though, that exposing them and just making them listen to songs is enough. These capabilities may be improved through a reinforced and practiced approach, which may be applied at home or, better, in a more formal music lesson setting. 

2.) Music Lessons Are Good to Your Health

Studies have proven that playing music reduces anxiety and stress levels and lowers blood pressure. It also has a side effect that strengthens immunological resistance, enabling you to be more resistant to sickness. 

What’s good about music is that it does not limit its players. It can also be learned by the elderly, which also has great benefits to their health. One of which is the protection from mind-related illnesses like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Given that music lessons enable players to use their minds, it keeps the neurons alive longer. 

3.) Music Lessons Develops Physical Skills

Learning instruments like percussion helps individuals develop motor skills and coordination. This is primarily because competencies require training in the movement of the arms, hands, and feet. Other keyboard and string instruments such as the piano, cello, and violin, also bring various benefits to a person. Since playing these instruments enables you to use both the left and right hand simultaneously, it also develops ambidexterity. 

4.) Music Lessons Improve Spatial-Temporal Skills

Although music only uses visuals secondary to hearing, research has also proven the link between spatial intelligence and music. Exposing people to the science of music helps them visualize 3D models easily, especially when connecting various elements together. You may think of this as them solving math problems mentally - no paper and pens involved. 

The good thing with this is that this skill does not stop with music. It can also benefit a lot of people in the end, especially if they want to expand to engineering, art, architecture, and gaming. 

A man is seated behind a drum kit and playing the drums.

5.) Music Lessons Enhance Social Skills

Keep in mind that music lessons are not only limited to exclusive classes. Aside from the usual one-on-ones, some group classes require communication and interaction to assist them in achieving their goals. 

Imagine you’re in an opera house, aiming to relax with the classical music your ears are craving. Then, you hear a sound that’s so off with the rest. It’s as if there’s a loose note flying here and there, not meshing to the song you’re listening to. This is what will happen if teamwork and cohesion are not achieved within a group of musicians. 

Because of this kind of dilemma, the group leaders ensure that everyone’s on the same page. It’s not enough that they know the melody and notes. They have to do their parts as individuals while considering that they are a part of a larger group. This kind of thinking allows them to be conscious of how they work with other people and eventually improve their social skills. Once they have mastered it inside their own music group, they apply it to how they interact with individuals who are part of their daily lives. 

Lastly, this is also a great way to meet new friends. If you’re scared to reach out to other people, music will be your ‘wingman.’ Believe it or not, nothing beats the power of old-fashioned hangout jamming sessions with fellow musicians. These sessions are proven to develop priceless friendships. 

6.) Music Lessons Build More Confidence

There are a lot of people who experience stage fright. Not only that, add the feeling of anxiety even when conversing with other people. Whether it’s a bigger thing or not, these scenarios point out the issue of confidence. So it’s understandable that it might be frightening to bare your soul to an audience. 

What’s good about music lessons is that it gives you a platform to build your confidence. The tendency is that you’ll drown in your own music world that you tend to forget that you’re performing in front of a person (or even several people). 

Taking the first step is difficult. However, once you go past that first public performance, you’ll feel more at ease and better about yourself! This will then be carried over to other aspects of your life. 

Start Today!

Music lessons might be intimidating at first. You may have to exert a little bit of effort, but the benefits definitely outweigh the sacrifice. It’s a challenging journey, but once you reach that peak of satisfaction, this won’t longer feel like a chore. 

Don’t worry too much if you do not know where to start. There are various music lessons in Kansas City that you can join and experience first-hand the benefits mentioned above. Good luck on your musical journey! 

Free eBook - Get started in music with over 20 pages of helpful tips

Written by Autumn Huerter
Autumn Huerter
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