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Senior Send-off: Morgan Rebman

 by Autumn Huerter

The next graduating senior student that we want to highlight is Morgan Rebman. After 5 years at Music House, he's off to the Kansas City Institute to study illustration. "Morgan has many talents in a variety of artistic mediums," says one of his teachers, Joel Shipley. "As a drummer, he hits hard and has a great feel when laying down grooves. Beyond that, Morgan is just an awesome person that I feel lucky to have gotten to know over the past years."

Here's what Morgan had to say when we interviewed him recently.

What instrument do you play?

I play the Drums.

How long have you been a student at Music House?

About 5 years.

What are your plans after graduating high school? If you're going to college, do you know what you'll be studying?

I'm headed to the Kansas City Institute and will probably study illustration.

How do you think music will be a part of your life after Music House?

I will play drums every now and then and check out new songs and hopefully jam out with some friends!

What is a moment at Music House that you'll never forget?

Meeting my teacher, Joel Shipley.

What advice do you have for Music House students who are just starting?

Don't be afraid to mess up!

What will you miss most about Music House?

I'm going to miss all of the teachers here.

What's the best piece of musical advice you've received?

Always keep learning new techniques.

What do you hope to remember most about your best performance at Music House?

Getting through the songs decently when I'm rehearsing & performing with my band and not falling over from my legs shaking!

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Written by Autumn Huerter
Autumn Huerter
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